Company profile

VTS Track Solutions is a Dutch company that’s part of Verhoeven International. VTS Track solutions is your specialist in designing, developing, producing and maintaining crawler track undercarriages, transport systems and power packs. Also for adjusting crawler track undercarriages of cranes and repairing final drives / travel drives did you come to the right address. VTS delivers final drives / travel drives for most crane and tracked vehicle brands.

Crawler track undercarriages, rubber tracks and steel tracks

VTS Track solution offers a wide range of standardized crawler track undercarriages with rubber tracks and steel tracks. VTS Track solutions also customizes crawler track undercarriages, rubber tracks, steel tracks and complete undercarriages including travel drives. The R&D-department of VTS track solutions has dedicated itself to designing, calculating and developing complete crawler track undercarriages and track systems. The crawler track undercarriages and track systems are composed completely to your preference. Quality, durability, functionality and the cost price of crawler track undercarriage parts and track systems are our core principles. Innovative technologies and applications (3D CAD and Finite Elements) combined with the experience of our engineers guarantee prestigious quality in the customization of crawler track undercarriages and track systems.

Final drives and travel drives

VTS Track Solutions specialized itself in delivering alternative OEM final drives / travel drives for most crane and tracked vehicle brands. Usually the build-in sizes and hydraulic specifications are equal to the original. If there is no fitting final drive available, the construction of the undercarriage or drive sprocket can easily be changed. Also for reparation and reconditioning of final drives, travel drives and all other necessary parts is VTS Track solutions the right address.

Power packs HPU (total crawler track solution)

VTS Track Solutions designs and manufactures power packs (High Power Units) in our own workshop. These are used for the driving mechanism of crawler track undercarriages. Depending on the selected functions, this power pack supplies the rest of the machine with required energy whether they are electric or hydraulic. These functions are customized to the customer’s preference. The power pack HPU is available in multiple versions, fuel-hydraulic, electric-hydraulic, fully electric and in a battery version. The components used inside the power pack HPU have prestigious quality and are available anywhere in the world.